HEIC Thumbnail Generator

Create thumbnail previews from HEIC image files. Convert your HEIC photos to JPG thumbnails for easy sharing and viewing across devices.

Key Features

HEIC Thumbnail Generation

Create compact thumbnails from HEIC images effortlessly.

Custom Dimensions

Specify the exact size for your thumbnails to fit your needs.

Instant Preview

See your thumbnails before downloading for quick adjustments.

Batch Processing

Convert multiple HEIC files to thumbnails simultaneously.

Multiple Export Formats

Save your thumbnails in various formats like JPG, PNG, or WebP.


All processing done locally, ensuring your images remain private.

How to Use

  1. 1

    Upload your HEIC image(s) by dragging and dropping or using the file selector

  2. 2

    Choose your desired thumbnail dimensions or use the default settings

  3. 3

    Select the output format for your thumbnails (JPG, PNG, or WebP)

  4. 4

    Click 'Generate Thumbnails' to process your images

  5. 5

    Preview the generated thumbnails to ensure they meet your requirements

  6. 6

    Download your thumbnails individually or as a batch ZIP file

Pro Tips

Optimal Dimensions

For web use, consider 150x150 or 300x300 pixels for a good balance of size and quality.

Format Selection

Choose JPG for photos, PNG for images with transparency, and WebP for the best compression.

Organize Your Files

Use descriptive names for your thumbnails to easily manage them later.

Batch Processing

Save time by processing multiple HEIC files in one go for consistent thumbnails.

Use Cases

  • Create thumbnails for photo galleries on websites
  • Generate preview images for e-commerce product listings
  • Prepare small images for email newsletters
  • Create icon-sized versions of HEIC photos for mobile apps
  • Optimize HEIC images for faster loading on web pages

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a HEIC file?>

HEIC (High Efficiency Image Container) is a file format for images that offers better compression than JPEG while maintaining higher quality. It's commonly used by Apple devices for photos.

Why do I need to generate thumbnails from HEIC files?>

HEIC files are not universally supported, especially on the web. Generating thumbnails in more common formats like JPG or PNG ensures compatibility across different platforms and devices.

Is my data safe when using this tool?>

Absolutely! Our HEIC Thumbnail Generator processes all images locally in your browser. Your files are never uploaded to any server, ensuring complete privacy and security.

What's the maximum file size for HEIC images?>

Our tool can handle HEIC files up to 50MB in size. For larger files, you might need to use a desktop application or split the file into smaller parts.

Can I generate thumbnails from multiple HEIC files at once?>

Yes! Our batch processing feature allows you to generate thumbnails from multiple HEIC files simultaneously, saving you time and effort.

What output formats are available for the thumbnails?>

You can choose to export your thumbnails as JPG, PNG, or WebP. Each format has its advantages: JPG for photos, PNG for images with transparency, and WebP for the best compression.

How does it work?


Our HEIC Thumbnail Generator is like a magician for your images, but instead of pulling rabbits out of hats, it's pulling tiny, perfect versions of your photos out of those pesky HEIC files. Let's dive into how this digital sorcery works!


First off, when you upload your HEIC file, our tool doesn't just look at it and scratch its head like most browsers do. Nope, it speaks HEIC fluently. It's like having a translator for your images, converting that Apple-speak into something every device can understand.


Once your HEIC file is in our system, it's time for the shrinking process. But this isn't some haphazard squishing of your image. Oh no, we're talking precision here. You get to play director, deciding exactly how big (or small) you want your thumbnail to be. Want it square? Rectangular? Tiny enough to fit on a pinhead? You got it!


Now, here's where the real magic happens. Our tool doesn't just shrink your image; it optimizes it. It's like sending your photo to a digital gym, trimming off the excess data fat while keeping all the important visual muscle. The result? A lean, mean, thumbnail machine that looks great without hogging all your storage space.


But wait, there's more! (I always wanted to say that.) We know you might be dealing with a whole bunch of HEIC files, not just one. That's why we've got batch processing. It's like having a whole team of tiny magical elves working on your images all at once. Upload a heap of HEIC files, and watch as they're transformed into a neat collection of thumbnails faster than you can say 'High Efficiency Image Container' three times fast.


Now, let's talk formats. HEIC is great and all, but it's not exactly the life of the party when it comes to universal compatibility. That's why we let you choose your thumbnail's new outfit. JPEG for the classics lovers, PNG for those who can't live without transparency, or WebP for the cool kids who want the best of both worlds. It's like a wardrobe change for your image, making sure it fits in everywhere it goes.


Last but not least, we know you might be a bit protective of your photos. Don't worry, we get it. That's why our entire process happens right there in your browser. Your files don't go on any wild adventures to distant servers; they stay right there on your device, safe and sound. It's like having a photo studio right in your living room, but without all the bright lights and camera equipment cluttering up the place.


So there you have it! Our HEIC Thumbnail Generator takes your high-quality, space-hogging HEIC files and turns them into svelte, universally loved thumbnails that are ready to mingle with any device or platform. It's fast, it's easy, and dare I say, it's even a little bit fun. Who knew image conversion could be such a blast?